> On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 02:07:52AM +0100, David Jardine wrote:
> > To muddy the water a little more, I have
> > 
> >   quash   localhost       loopback
> > 
> > where "quash" is the name of the machine.  I don't remember how I came 
> > to do this, but it must have been from some debian documentation.

On 12.11.06 20:57, Douglas Tutty wrote:
> I guess that would be for a computer with no network access (other, I
> suppose, than ppp).

some time ago I was pondering about this issue, because having 'fnote' (name
of by notebook) as first caused problems with some services expecting to map to localhost (which is imho a MUST), and 'hostname -s'
returned 'localhost' if localhost was the first one.

I waqs searching for some more informations and found out discussion about
this on debian-devel, where I found a suggestion use othert loopback-based
IP for local host name.
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