Florian Kulzer wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 13:10:02 +0100, Mirto Silvio Busico wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm not able to use the virtual printers defined in Kde.
>> Going to the control center -> devices -> printers if I select the
>> predefined pdf printer and I click on the "print test page" button, I
>> obtain a CUPS error.
>> In my understanding the virtual printer should invoke ghostscript asking
>> for generating a file without calling the cups system.
>> How can I setup a virtual printer generating a PDF file in Kde?
> Try to PDF-print something other than the test page. The test page seems
> to be broken for PDF/file and PS/file (it sends an invalid printer
> specification to CUPS), but printing other documents to a PDF works for
> me with kdeprint 4:3.5.5a.dfsg.1-1. (Actually I had not even noticed the
> problem with the test button until I saw your email and tried it.)
Fantastic! It works correctly

Thanks a lot


Mirto Silvio Busico             ICT Consultant
Tel. +39 333 4562651

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