On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 21:05 +0100, Adam Hardy wrote:
> I can't find any info on rhythmbox beyond the help, apart from oblique 
> references (especially the rhythmbox mailing list)
> Some of my albums don't show the art work and I can't find any way to show 
> what 
> server the plugin is using to check for artwork, or where it is configured to 
> cache the jpgs.
> Likewise I can't find out anything about the lyrics plugin or where it is 
> searching for lyrics.

The album art and lyrics plugin are still young, and have a few kinks. I
agree that documentation about these should be added to the program and
maybe to a FAQ somewhere.

The album art is taken from Amazon, or from local files. I usually name
the cover cover.jpg and save it in the same directory as the album.
Cached covers are saved in ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/covers/

Lyrics are taken from leoslyrics.com and saved to ~/.lyrics/

> And I can't get rhythmbox to play CDs - that should be fairly basic, but CDs 
> just don't appear, not even after a 'rescan removable media'.

Can other Gstreamer based programs find and play CDs? (totem-gstreamer,
sound-juicer). You might need to start rhythmbox with the debug flag
(rhythmbox -d) and check for errors.

Sven Arvidsson
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