David Hart wrote: > I have no need to read the archives as I have a threaded view of this > conversation in front of me as I write.
Uh, doesn't help when it wasn't *IN* this conversation. But dozens of times over the past *5 years*. Hence, get thee to the archives. > I didn't realise that pointing out a factual error made one a zealot. Lemme know when mutt can separate outbound mail by "account" when it has zero concepts of "account" in the first place. As I said, zealot. > I said that mutt can be configured to keep mail separate. I thought > that the links I posted would be sufficient to point you in the right > direction to show you how. I assumed that someone who said that mutt > _can't_ do something would've spent some time studying how to use it. > Obviously, I was wrong. I have. I've used mutt many times over the years. I have written extensively about its problems. I don't feel like doing it again. > For the benefit of those who may be interested, I'll show one way of > keeping mail separate in reply to another of your posts below. Good luck keeping that outbound mail separated. -- Steve C. Lamb | But who decides what they dream? PGP Key: 8B6E99C5 | And dream I do... -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------
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