On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 10:34:37PM +0200, Christian Pinedo Zamalloa wrote:
> hi,
> I use quotas in the /home directory of a Debian GNU/Linux Sarge but I'm
> having a strange behavior. I only use block limits:
> soft: 4000
> hard: 4500
> grace time : 7 dias
> When the user gets 4500 blocks (hard limit) the quota system blocks the
> user to create more data in the partition (great for now) but when the
> user deletes a file for getting more space to write (i have done the
> probe removing a 3MB file) the quota system says, still, that the user is
> using 4500 blocks !!
> For example, i delete the file and the filesystem usage by the user is
> very reduced:
> # du -hs /home/user
> 648K  /home/usuario
> But the quota system says that the user is using still 4500 blocks:
> # quota user
> Disk quotas for user user (uid 1092): 
>      Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   
> grace
>      /dev/sda10    4500*   4000    4500              91       0       0       
> It seems that the quota system don't know that i have deleted a file and
> actually i'm using less than 1MB.
> If anyboy knows what i am doing bad or what's happens, please tell me.
> Thanks,

The quota system was corrupted. I solved doing:

/etc/init.d/quota force-relaod


Christian Pinedo Zamalloa

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