On Wed, 2006-10-18 at 11:30 -0500, Carl Greco wrote:
> Has anyone got the keyboard shortcut (Applications->Desktop 
> Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts) assigned to "Take a screenshot" or 
> "Take a screenshot of a window" to work for Sarge distribution (latest 
> release with 2.6.8 kernel, gnome 2.8 and keyboard: pc104, us, xfree86)?  
> Default setting has the "Print" key assigned to "Take a screenshot" and 
> <Alt>Print to "Take a screenshot of a window".   It appears to be a 
> hot-key problem.  The (Actions->Take Screenshot) works and the 
> application "/usr/bin/gnome-panel-screenshot" will capture the entire 
> screen or the active window.  Also, I can assign a keyboard shortcut to 
> <Alt>F12 to pop up the Home Folder.  However, if instead I re-assign 
> <Alt>F12 to "Take a screenshot" or "Take a screenshot of a window" - 
> nothing!  Is this a Gnome or Debian issue?  There's a recent Debian bug 
> report (#384475) which addresses this issue; however, there is a claim 
> that the PrtScr button does work.  It's not clear in the bug report 
> which distribution (sarge, etch, etc) this report addresses.  I have 
> found this problem on two separate Debian (Sarge) systems.


Yes, I remember that bug. AFAIK it was caused by a bug in XFree86, it
was later fixed in Xorg. I don't think there is an easy work around.

The bug you mentioned seems to be about the screenshot feature in the
installer. Instead see #275091, #231076 and

Sven Arvidsson
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