On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 10:41:43PM +1000, Armin Catovic wrote:
> Hi,
> Just got a quick question. How do I dual boot my Debian 3.0 with Windows 
> XP Professional with SP1. I would like to have the boot up screen when I 
> start my PC so I can select between XP and the beautiful Debian.

What I did was to install Windows first, and then when I installed
Debian, it noticed the Windows installation and automatically included
an entry in LILO's boot-time menu for it.

The popular options for boot-loader are LILO or GRUB, they both
support the dual-booting scenario you want, and there are howtos out
there if you need details about the configuration.

>          -ScruLoose-          |        The more I get to know people        <
>         Please do not         |           the more I like my dog.           <
>        reply off-list.        |              - Rev. Stu Strang              <

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