Hello Fred!

> I have a C++ code which fires, does its thing, and waits for input.
> I need to get it up and running automatically from boot up.
> I am able to open xterm with the following line
> in  .bash_profile
> # run the following programs
> xterm &
>   my C++ application "proj" is in $HOME/path/to/proj
> in .bashrc
> path/to/proj
> which is read by xterm every time it is fired, it works but then when I open
> another xterm to do othere things, it fires my proj which is not what I want, 
> I
> want only one instant of the proj running.
How often will you run it.
I put this stuff into the session manager. It starts only one time when
starting the gnome session

    ,''`.   Michael Ott, e-mail: michael at zolnott dot de
   : :' :   Debian SID on Thinkpad T43: 
   `. `'    http://www.zolnott.de/laptop/ibm-t43-uc34nge.html 
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