* Miranda, Joel Louie M ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030626 11:19]:
> Im using vi and I switch to vim, I was wondering what r the syntax to active
> the color codes? Its just black n white. Im coding and I wasn hoping I can
> activate the colors.

You probably want

:syntax on

You could uncomment the "syntax on" line in /etc/vim/vimrc if you want
to enable the change system-wide.  Other ones I like to uncomment there
to facilitate coding in vim are showmatch, showcmd, incsearch, ruler.
You might want number, and (if the way it happens automatically isn't to
your liking) autoindent and/or cindent.  See the online help (hit F1) --
it's very, very good.

good times,
Microsoft has argued that open source is bad for business, but you
have to ask, "Whose business? Theirs, or yours?"        --Tim O'Reilly

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