On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 02:04:08PM +0800, James Ng Yuen Sum wrote:
> I have installed the debian system several times. In the first time,
> after the installation, the computer can shut down automatically.(that
> means the computer can shut down with the power off automatically when
> you switch "shut down the computer" in the kdm.
> However, in the second time, the computer cannot do the same jobs, so
> I want to ask how to set the computer automatically shut down with
> power off

Chances are that you don't have the apm module loaded, as root:

   modprobe apm

Then try a power off, if that corrects it, add apm to /etc/modules.

Jamin W. Collins

Remember, root always has a loaded gun.  Don't run around with it unless
you absolutely need it. -- Vineet Kumar

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