On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 17:47, Ross Boylan wrote:
> What do I need to do to stop syslog from sending messages to the virtual
> consoles?

mesg says it is already n.

setterm -msglevel x produces an error ("klogctl error: Unknown error ...") when 
I execute it as a regular user, but it seems to work when I run it as root.

I looked for, but could not find, a way to determine my current/default settings 
for the setterm variables (esp. -msg and -msglevel).

Finally, is the help in error for setterm msglevel?  It says that -msglevel 0 turns
on all logging  (which sounds right) and 8 "will print all kernel messages" (which 
the same as the description of 0, and wrong).

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