On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 12:05:05AM -0400, Christopher R Laughman wrote:
>       i'm having a really difficult time installing
> debian for the first time. i've been using redhat for
> a few years, but getting x to work in debian is proving
> difficult. the initial installation of the bf2.4 version
> of woody appeared to work well, but when the computer 
> rebooted and tried to startx, it tried a few times and 
> then prompts to configure the X server. it is then able 
> to start X with a 1280x1400 (or whatever it is) resolution, 
> but the mouse doesn't work whatsoever. the information for 
> the monitor and the video card is correct in the XF86 
> config file; the mouse i have is a 2 button Trekker, which
> has always worked in redhat when i specified "random 
> 2-button ps/2 mouse."


  Option "Protocol" "Microsoft"


  Option "Protocol" "PS/2"

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