On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Thomas Krennwallner wrote: > I don't know if you use a USR modem but I think your problem lies within > some special AT commands to setup your modem properly. Maybe there are > some helping codes in the Modem-HOWTO.
Well, if you need some modem commands, here's a file from my machine that seems helpful: HAYES MODEM REFERENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my own personal 'man page' for the Hayes sportster modem. This documentation is subject to error, however I've been using it for uugetty modem setups. Send me mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> if you notice any errors or typos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAYES(DEV) Devices HAYES(DEV) NAME hayes - The hayes modems DESCRIPTION MISCELLANEOUS ------------- a/ - redo last command +++ - return to modem cmd mode from live connection ------------------------------- --- DIALING ------------------------------- DIAL COMMAND ------------ atdt[tele#] ats11=75 - speed of tone dialing (in miliseconds. minimum 50) AUTO-DIAL PHONE NUMBERS ----------------------- at&z0[tele#] -stores a tele# in memory #0 at&z1[tele#] -stores a tele# in memory #1, etc atd\0 - dial tele# in memory #0 SHOW ALL SETTINGS ----------------- at&v - show all hayes command settings ------------------------------- --- ENTER/EXIT CONNECTION STATE ------------------------------- ANSWER/ORIGINATE MODES ---------------------- ata - manual answer incoming call atd - originate connection. Assumes number already dialed, remote has picked up ONLINE RETURN ------------- ato - go back online from +++ ato1 - return to online state and retrain baud sync HANGUP ------ ath0 - hang up if modem off hook (esp. after a +++) ath1 - pick up, but do nothing RESET ----- atz - reset modem to config profile 0 at&f - return all settings to factory settings at&w - save current settings in non-volatile mem (?not sure) BREAK ----- at\b - send break at\b3 - send a 300ms break (number is x100ms) ------------------------------- --- SPEAKER ------------------------------- LOUDNESS (SPEAKER) ------------------ atl1 - low speaker volume --> atl2 - medium speaker volume atl3 - loud speaker volume MONITOR (SPEAKER) ----------------- atm - speaker off --> atm1 - speaker on until carrier detected atm2 - speaker always on atm3 - spkr on until carrier detected except during dialing ------------------------------- --- MODEM RESPONSES ------------------------------- QUIET ----- --> atq0 - quiet off (enable messages) atq1 - quiet on (disable messages) VERBAL ------ atv0 - verbal off (numeric messages) --> atv1 - verbal on (word messages) CONNECT CODES ------------- atx[01234] - various levels of word messages (default atx4) ECHO ---- ate0 - no local echo --> ate1 - local echo ------------------------------- --- HARDWARE LINES ------------------------------- CTS/RTS ------- at&r0 - ignore RTS in command mode, CTS follows RTS in data mode at&r1 - force CTS active DCD ASSERT ---------- at&c0 - force DCD high always at&c1 - modem asserts DCD when carrier detected DSR ASSERT ---------- at&s0 - force DSR high always at&s1 - modem asserts DSR (when connection established?) DTR --- at&d0 - ignores DTR line from computer at&d1 - goto AT command state on DTR on->off change, (no hangup) at&d2 - modem resets itself on DTR on->off change ------------------------------- --- FLOW CONTROL ------------------------------- XON/XOFF FLOW CONTROL --------------------- at&k0 - disable local flow control at&k1 - ? at&k2 - ? at&k3 - RTS/CTS bi-directional hardware flow control at&k4 - XON/XOFF bidirectional software flow control at&k5 - uni-directional XON/XOFF flow control ------------------------------- --- AUTO ANSWER ------------------------------- ats0=0 - no auto answer ats0=1 - auto-answer on first ring ------------------------------- --- CARRIER ------------------------------- ats7=30 - time to wait for carrier detect before giving up ats9=6 - recognize carrier by .6 seconds of carrier tone ats10=10 - hangup after 1 second without carrier tone S REGISTERS ----------- ats0=0 - no auto answer ats0=1 - auto-answer on first ring ats7=30 - time to wait for carrier detect before giving up ats9=6 - recognize carrier by .6 seconds of carrier tone ats10=10 - hangup after 1 second without carrier tone ats11=75 - speed of tone dialing (in miliseconds. minimum 50) DIAL MODIFIERS -------------- , - pause for 2 seconds (value of S7 register) ; - return to command state after dialing ! - flash the hook for 1/2 second R - reverse to 'answer' mode after dial (@ end of tele#) W - wait up to 30 secs for 1 sec continuous dial tone @ - modem waits 30 secs for one or more ringbacks RECOMMENDED SETTINGS FOR UNIX DIALUP MODEM WITH UUGETTY ---------------------------------- at&f - return to factory settings ats0=1 - auto answer on first ring ats2=127 - disable +++ escape (allows binary file xmission) atl3 - loud spkr volume atm1 - spkr on until carrier detect ate0 - echo off atq1 - no messages at&c1 - DCD active on carrier detect, inactive on hangup at&d2 - modem resets when DTR dropped at&s1 - DSR active (when??) at&k0 - disable XON/XOFF flow control at&r0 - ignore RTS in cmd mode, CTS follows RTS in data mode at&w - save these settings FOR UNIX DIALOUT ---------------- at&f ats0=1 - auto answer on first ring ats2=127 - disable +++ escape (allows binary file xmission) atl3 - loud spkr volume atm1 - spkr on until carrier detect ate1 - echo on atq0v1 - disable quiet/enable verbose messages at&c1 - DCD active on carrier detect, inactive on hangup at&s1 - DSR active (when??) at&d2 - modem resets when DTR dropped at&k0 - disable XON/XOFF flow control at&r0 - ignore RTS in cmd mode, CTS follows RTS in data mode at&w - save these settings SEE ALSO www.hayes.com - I think they have all models of modem settings available online. ORIGIN Gregory Ercolano, Los Feliz California 08/28/93 -- icq: 34583382 / msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / yim: tsunad "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegut Jr : Mother Night
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