On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, M. Kirchhoff wrote:

> Quoting "Jamin W. Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 03:21:39PM -0700, John Sunderhaus wrote:
> >
> > > But your point is well taken; you can productively run X on an
> > > underpowered machine - but I'll bet you aren't happy.
> >
> > I'd bet quite the contrary.  Chances are they use it because they *are*
> > happy with it.  I much prefer my Blackbox based X configuration to
> > anything else available for Windows, Mac, or Linux.  Why?  Because it's
> > what *I* chose.  Not what someone else decided I should use.  Does it
> > have all the latest eye candy?  Hell *no*.  That's one of the main
> > reasons I use it.  I don't want all that extra overhead (and yes, my
> > system has more than enough processor power to spare).  The point is,
> > it's all about choice.
> Ditto.  My PII-366 ThinkPad with 128MB RAM runs Fluxbox on X like a champ.  So
> does my Athlon 1.2Ghz desktop with 768MB RAM; I don't feel the need to run a
> bloated desktop environment simply because my hardware can handle it.
> M. Kirchhoff

My feelings exactly.  I have a Duron 800 with 512 megs or ram, and I run
Window Maker.  I can't stand KDE and GNOME.  Too many resources and for
what?  I like GNOME's applications, but hate the interface.

Arthur H. Johnson II, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIM:  bytor4232
YIM:  arthurjohnson

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