* cr ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030624 01:22]:
> On Tuesday 24 June 2003 01:27, Hugh Saunders wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 12:52:01AM +1200, cr wrote:
> > > I'm still booting off floppy and trying to get GRUB sorted.
> >
> > erm, not quite sure whats wrong but what happens if you boot grub from
> > floppy then run root (hd0,0) then setup (hd0) from floppy?
> That actually worked previously with Red Hat (on a different hard drive).
> I just tried it on this setup and got:
> <grub>  root (hd0,0)
> Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
> <grub>  setup (hd0)
> Checking if "/boot/grub/Stage1" exists ... no
> Checking if "/grub/Stage1" exists ... no
> Error 15: File not found
> /boot/boot/grub/Stage1 does exist, though.   (And df confirms that I have got 
> /dev/hda1 mounted as /boot)

Careful mixing 's' and 'S'; this is a case-sensitive filesystem!  I
believe the filenames grub uses are all lowercase.  I guess that error
message above was something you wrote down and typed into the email,
since it's difficult to copy and paste from your boot loader =).  But
make sure that grub indicates that it's looking for stage1 (lowercase)
and that the file you have is also called stage1 (lowercase).

good times,
"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not
have, nor do they deserve, either one."  --President Thomas Jefferson

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