
S. M. Ibrahim (Lavlu) wrote:
> On Sunday 24 September 2006 23:13, Mathias Brodala wrote:
>>> Did you try the step-by-step installation which is
>>> explained in the guide for your driver? Just imagine seeing dpkg instead
>>> of rpm. The rest should be the same for Debian too. (Its basically
>>> restarting the CUPS daemon, registering the printer and setting it as
>>> default. Something what a postinst script could do.)
> no, i just install these two packages "alien -i *.rpm "
> any thing wrong here ?

Not necessarily. Just try the steps in the guide, maybe they are helpful.

>>> Oh, and could you post the relevant lines of your /var/log/cups/error_log?
>>> There may be additional info.
> shanazsoft:/home/ibrahim/tmp/iP1000# cat /var/log/cups/error_log
> [snip]

Sounds a bit familiar to me. Could you try purging cupsys and reinstalling it? I
stumbled upon a permission problem which seemed to be existing in CUPS for a
long time. After purging and reinstalling the permission could be set as they
should be.

Regards, Mathias


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