On 12.09.06 20:25, ferrangu z wrote:
> Got a strange Problem. The lights of my optical mouse just shuts of while
> just booting into kernel 2.6.x, and it stops working.
> The mouse works fine in 2.4.x kernels.

is it USB mouse? Do (and did) you use debian kernels?
Do you use hotplug, do you have "mousedev" module in /etc/modules?
Do you have anything related to "mousedev" in /etc/modules.conf ?

The mouse support has changed in 2.6 - /dev/input/mice is now the same as
/dev/psaux (the latter is legacy device), "psmouse" module pushes mouse
events do "mice"...

modules configs have changed too, maybe you had something set up you don't
have now...
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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