
Do I understand well, this blacbox would act as a private http server located near end customer ?

Why not set a real website, with cheap internet access and "thin" discless client in untrusted location ?


On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 02:52:19PM +0000, enediel gonzalez wrote:
> Hello:
> I looking for information how to create a black box with debian to be able
> to put a system on untrusted locations.
> This system contains a web site as the only interface for the local users,
> and ssh as the only way for the remote administration.
> Locally, the server could be turned off, and restarted, consider the case
> that it's necessary to change the ups, etc.
> I need to protect the server against the case that somebody makes a disk
> image, and later on can investigate what it's contained on it.
> I found information about filesystems encryption, but in this scenario
> somebody locally should have access in some way to key, I wanted to avoid
> that, so the server could restart having somewhere encrypted all the
> necessary information to start.
> For local users is should be a real black box.
> Thanks in advance for any help, suggestion,. etc.

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