T wrote:

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:11:58 -0500, Kevin Buhr wrote:

Which begs the question: Why doesn't 'apt-get dselect-upgrade' install
the package?
Does your package have any unsatisfied dependencies?  They need to be
scheduled for install via "dselect --set-selections", too.  If you're
going to go this route, you have to do all the dependency resolution

Ah, no wonder I didn't succeeded last time. Thanks for the info Kevin. BTW, I gave up the 'dselect --set-selections' approach long time ago.
FYI, my current approach is using a self-maintaining text DB, which lists
all the packages that I need. To me, what's superior in this approach are:
At a basic level, this is exactly the sort of thing that I am going for, except in the form of a script. I'm writing a script that will install the correct set of packages for every machine, whether it be a server, workstation, etc...

I think the problem I am having now stems from using 'apt-get dselect-upgrade' to make the necessary changes to the system. It prints no error message if dependencies fail. (Although maybe it's just a problem with my command line options...?) At the moment I am still toying with it.

I have tried specifying packages to remove/install on the command line to apt-get instead of via 'dpkg --set-selections', and I've found a drawback with that too. Folks around here are used to having a bsd-style lpr interface. If I specify: lpr- and cupsys-bsd+ (which conflicts w/ lpr), then apt-get chokes on cupsys-bsd, saying that it can't proceed because it conflicts w/ lpr (duh, that's what the lpr- on the command line was for). But this problem doesn't occur if I use 'dpkg --set-selections', apt-get processes my request to remove lpr and install cupsys-bsd just fine.

Go figure.

Michael Peek

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