Travis Crook wrote:

> It seems I would be able to burn a disc as root, but
> apparently I don't have enough free space on /tmp (and can't delete
> anything in /tmp, but that's an issue for another day).

Well - _have_ you got enough space in /tmp?  I mean - it would often be on
the root partition which might not be large enough to hold the iso image
before writing.  Solution is - make sure it's large enough or get your
application to use /var/tmp or something in your home instead for
temporary storage.

> I assume that this is a permissions or group membership problem
> but I can't seem to figure it out.  Any suggestions on where to begin?
> Ideally, I would like to burn CD-ROMs and DVDs logged in as myself, not
> root.

Just make sure you're a member of cdrom - then that should be fine.


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