I am running debian/testing with kernel 2.6.15
In my /etc/sources.list I have basically 2 lines,
Deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
Deb http://secure-testing.debian.net/debian-secure-testing/ testing/security-updates main contrib non-free
The box has been working very well for the last 8 months and has gone through many $apt-get update upgrades, , This morning I ran $sudo apt-get update and upgrade.
First thing I noticed, I lost the ability to brows and to apt-get,
in the browser I get connection has timed out.
in the aptget I get 0%[Connecting to http.us.debian.org (] and nothing happend.
I checked and both my /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts are the same before and after the upgrade.
the win2k laptop I am on now is connected to a switch which is connected to the debian box which in turn connected to the idsl/router which is connected to the wall.
I tried to fix it by rebooting the debian box, and noticed a line during rebooting saying "iPV6 over iPV4 tunelling device"
Second thing I noticed is when I click on items on the screen to do something “icewm” it takes few seconds to respond.
Never was like this before.
Third thing I noticed is,
opens and then flashed like a vagas night show.
When I move the mouse on the aterm, it scrolls lines and flashed like the screen has been hit by a terrorist attack.

which I did not notice before.
I switched to my good old shell with no xwindow and it works fine.
What is the go with this.

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