On Aug 22, 2006, at 4:24 AM, Paul Johnson wrote:

On Tuesday 22 August 2006 01:15, Ron Johnson wrote:
Paul Johnson wrote:
On Monday 21 August 2006 20:43, Ron Johnson wrote:
Someone in the other 48 states would have figured that out by
now, and every gas station in the country would have converted
back to full-service.

Full service is exceptionally rare in Oregon, minimum-service is
the norm. There is a difference.

Are you willfully blind to the point that the filling station still
has to pay for the warm bodies to do the work, whether it be full-
service or minimum-service?

No. On the other hand, hard to argue with gas being cheaper in Oregon when
you can see the difference in an hour round trip to Vancouver...

Gee it wouldn't have ANYTHING to do with the taxation rates in the different places at all, now would it?

You keep saying the insurance rates are lower in Oregon for gas stations and that's the overall main reason that prices are lower there, but I'm skeptical. Show us some real numbers from somewhere.

I think you're seeing differences in tax rates.

Also from having worked for an oil company and knowing where the pipelines and refineries on the West Coast are, since I wrote a tanker scheduling application in 1992 for one company to schedule tankers from Alaska into the ports on the West Coast, I think you're also experiencing a local lowering of prices because it's cheaper to get it to you there where you are.

Really, I think you've just spent too many years rationalizing away your State's silly gas pumping rules and have hyped up all the reasons you THINK things are cheaper in your head, without understanding the business or dynamics of running a gas station at all. No matter how you slice it, having those guys standing at the pumps ADDS real bottom-dollar costs to your gas.

But also from working for that same oil company, I know they'd never lower rates if the law changed and those guys went away -- they'd just milk you for the difference and you'd THINK it was because of some silly insurance rate difference. If they didn't, your local politicians would sneak enough new taxes onto a gallon of gas to cover the difference.

Nate Duehr

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