On Monday 21 August 2006 16:48, Hal Vaughan wrote:

> Maybe the engineers who have jobs designing those things actually know
> more about what they're doing than we do?

Even if that is the case, it's not going to stop me from getting gas at five 
or six in the morning anyway, the morning rush hour crowd doesn't have time 
to goof around in the convenience store while parked on the gas line gumming 
up the whole works like they do at five at night, and I have better things to 
do with my time than sit around in a gas line.

And believe it or not, I actually did have to get gas at a Petro-Canada 
station near Mission, BC that was self service and used glass globe gravity 
pumps and was *really* glad it was early morning right after they opened and 
in the shade that time.  I do admit I was well off the beaten path to end up 
there, and I had no problem using even those pumps.

Lower mainland BC has a nice compromise going on... many stations have 
mini-serve, and most but not all rural stations are full or self, same price.  
On the other hand, gas stations are trying to compete on service since 
they're often only differing by a few tenths of a cent per litre in price.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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