On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 14:41:43 +0100, George Borisov wrote:
> Florian Kulzer wrote:
> > 
> > 3) "make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom1 --revision=00
> >    kernel_image" will compile the kernel and build a .deb package in
> >    /usr/src. You can of course choose your own name for "-custom1"and if
> >    you compile more than once (with different configurations) you can
> >    increment the --revision number.
> [OT]
> If I want to recompile the same source in future (for example
> because I forgot to include a module) is there a way of avoiding
> a "make-kpkg clean" and have a different revision / append to
> version string?
> If so, would the compile take less time?

I have added modules and compiled without "make-kpkg clean" a few times.
Only the new stuff is compiled in that case, and you do indeed save a
lot of time. However, I used the same revision number. I seem to
remember that compilation fails if the numbers do not match. It may be
possible to trick the kernel package by adjusting the revision number in
the appropriate log/status file, but I never tried that.

I think that there are cases in which module A tries to interact with
module B if both are present, and then there might be problems if you
just add one of them later without recompiling the other one. I have
only used this kind of "cheating" for very trivial cases, e.g. when I
forgot the pc-speaker module in the initial compile run.


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