On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 12:18:44AM +0100, Wulfy wrote:
> Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> >>Well, half done.  The reboot hangs after the keyboard lights flash and 
> >>before the BIOS screen shows... I have to power off by the button and 
> >>power on again.  And that doesn't always work.
> >>    
> >
> >I've been watching this thread, and I think you might be facing a
> >hardware problem there. If the machine goes for reboot and gets to the
> >keyboard flash and nothing else, then you aren't into the software
> >yet. Does powerup from a cold box cause intermittent problems like
> >this too?
> >
> >A
> Hmm.  I rarely shut-down the box unless there's a problem.  I seem to 
> recall that it sometimes doesn't "catch" the first time I boot from 
> off.  Definitely didn't notice a problem with that until recently, but,. 
> as I say, I keep my box on all the time. I've been doing some reading 
> and found out why it didn't always catch when I switched off then on...  
> needs a couple of seconds before it recognises a change in the button, 
> apparently.  I did have a hard-drive die on me and a CDROM that refused 
> to work.  Fortunately there was nothing much on the hard-drive.  I 
> changed from "nv" to the nVidia driver to get 3D acceleration working.  
> Those are the only things I can think oif that I've changed in the last 
> couple of months or so...
> What do you suspect?

well, my experience with a power-up not "catching" ended up being a
failing mobo. I think it can come from failing memory too. I think it
can also come from a failing power supply that doesn't give enough
juice over all the lines resulting in some parts of the
mobo/chipset/proc not powering up properly. ymmv.


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