On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 02:41:32PM +0200, Ernst-Magne Vindal wrote:
> Hi, I'm running Apache2 on Debian Sarge and redirect some sites to https.
> I have:
> debian 2.6.8-16sarge1
> apache2 - 2.0.54-5 with mod_ssl, mod_rewrite
> I have tryed to redir with .htaccess file and by config virtualhosts. Both 
> seams
> to work ok, but will be happy for some comments for best practice.
> Another thing is redirection, virtualhosts and url's.
> I have not managed to redir http://webmail.domain.com to
> https://webmail.domain.com. "webmail" is a virtualhost. But i can redirect to
> https if I redirect to https://domain.com/webmail. Is that the only way to do
> it? If so is there a way to keep the url in browser at webmail.domain.com even
> if redirected domain.com/webmail?
> I've googled around some and only found the [R] to put at the end of
> RewriteRule. But some say that it will show only the url typed, and some says 
> it
> will show the url that user is rediredted to.....anyhow it makes no different.

If you want to have the user's request to go one place but have the URL
show up as something else, then check out ProxyPass and
ProxyPassReverse.  You can also redirect by pacing an index.html file
that uses the meta refresh to redirect.  Not as elegant, but it works.

Roberto C. Sanchez

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