David Baron wrote:
On Thursday 27 July 2006 00:38, Daniel B. wrote:
I have had similar problems with an Asus A7M266-D motherboard with multiple
kernel versions (2.2 through 2.6, I think).

 From what I've been able to gather, my motherboard's IDE controller (AMD
768?) is buggy, and the Linux kernel doesn't do whatever the Windows
kernel does to work around the problem.

(I can't run the disks attached to the onboard IDE controller at full
sped (i.e., with DMA on) or I get extreme filesystem corruption in Linux.
Under Windows, I can run a seemingly full speed without any data-
corruption problems.)

Check the cables!

Why should I waste my time checking the cables again?

The motherboard IDE controller and disks work fine with Windows.

The problem under Linux has occurred with various disk drives with various

And, more importantly, some Linuxer dismissed the A7M266-D motherboard
(or the AMD chipset) as "broken hardware."

Therefore it is not the darn cables!


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