On Sun, Jul 23, 2006 at 11:36:33PM +0300, Yura wrote:
> Help please to connect the internet. I in a local network. Connection to to
> the internet goes through a modem, or service which works on a sluice. Type 
> of
> connection of pppoe. In Windows such connection is done through Connect of
> using and broadband connection
> that requires and user name and password.
> I started pppoeconf but the system at once searches a modem and does not 
> find.
> Is it needed how to connect a network modem (service), using pppd?
> My provider does not know as possible in Linux to be connected.
> Beforehand thankful Yura.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 
Hi Yura,
I have verizon adsl service with pppoe in the us. I install the pppoe
and pppoe package. My modem was setup with my pppoe username and
password with a window xp software. Once that was done i had to setup
the pppoe account with the same info. you need to add you info to the
dsl-proivder script and the secret file. then you setup dsl to start
on boot.
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