Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Wulfy wrote:
> > Miles Fidelman wrote:
> >> Gabriel Parrondo wrote:
> >>> El jue, 20-07-2006 a las 22:09 -0400, Miles Fidelman escribió:
> >>>> and it turns out that it sure looks like the messages I'm trying to 
> >>>> capture are generated too early in the startup process to hit the 
> >>>> log files - guess I have to connect my laptop to the serial port and
> >>>> capture the console traffic 
> >>>
> >>> If all you need is watch at the messages at boot-time, then you could
> >>> press the "Scroll Lock" key, which will "pause" the boot process and
> >>> give you some time to read, then you can scroll with Shift+PageUp or
> >>> Shift+PageDown. When you're done you press "Scroll Lock" again and the
> >>> process goes on.
> >>
> >> Yeah, but that's too easy :-)
> >> Besides, it's nice to have a record.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>
> >> Miles 
> > man bootlogd  it's part of the sysvinit package...  :)
> seems to be installed and running, but I think some of the messages I'm 
> looking for get generated before bootlogd gets started
> I think it's back to capturing the console traffic directly
> thanks,
> Miles

Have you read the BUGs section in - /usr/share/man/man8/bootlogd.8.gz ??


 Bootlogd works by redirecting the console output from the console device.
(Consequently bootlogd requires PTY support in the kernel configuration.) It
copies that output to the real console device and to a log file. There is no
standard way of ascertaining the real console device if you have a new-style
/dev/console device (major 5, minor 1) so bootlogd parses the kernel command
line looking for console=... lines and deduces the real console device from
that. If that syntax is ever changed by the kernel, or a console type is used
that bootlogd does not know about then bootlogd will not work.


So ...Consequently, use 'grep' to (parse) find out if your kernel is
configured; (substitute/insert _your_ exact config file name in place of mine -
the '*' is just a wildcard);

~$ grep PTY /boot/config-2.6.8-3*

I notice you're getting a lot of help for your _initial_ problem over in your
other thread here in d-u, entitled; "new installation not finding large

I wish only to document _this_relevant_ info about *Bootlog* (bootlogd) for
archive seeekers and lurkers ;-) I learned something new doing the
research and from Gabriel Parrondo's and Wulfy's replies.

Pertaining to the (2nd half) of the BUGs info above: (device/console) - I'm
uncertain about whether or not I fall into that category -- I'll have to look
into that as well.


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