Dirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> fsck.reiser4 --build-fs
> result in data loss? I mean to fix the partition - NOT to lose the data
> on it..
> The manual page is also not very specific about if data will be lost or
> not when using this option...

The reiserfs fsck is broken by design.  It can quite easily corrupt
your filesystem with *any* options!

Running an as-yet-unmerged beta-quality filesystem isn't really a
great idea.  Why do you want to run reiser4?  Your filesystem is one
of the most critical parts of your system--nobody wants to lose
data--so choosing an unproven filesystem with poor recovery tools is
not recommended...

gives some useful information.  Apparently, things might be improved
with reiser4, but until it's merged into the kernel and has really
wide testing, it's a bit of a lottery.  Either way, fsck.reiser* are
known to play like Russian roulette.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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