>i wanted to see the output of the command
>LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo
Well, then my problem is, that there is no LIBGL_DEBUG program on my computer,
or updtedb && locate doesn' t find it. apt-file search doesn' t find it, too.
What should i install to have it, or how to have it? I looked out in google,
but i bet i installed all neccessary mesa... .
dpkg -l | grep -i mesa
ii libgl1-mesa-dev 6.4.2-1 A free
implementation of the OpenGL API -- G
ii libgl1-mesa-dri 6.4.2-1 A free
implementation of the OpenGL API -- D
ii libgl1-mesa-glx 6.4.2-1 A free
implementation of the OpenGL API -- G
ii libglu1-mesa 6.4.2-1 The OpenGL
utility library (GLU)
ii libglu1-mesa-dev 6.4.2-1 The OpenGL
utility library -- development su
ii mesa-common-dev 6.4.2-1 Developer
documentation for Mesa
ii mesa-utils 6.3.2-2.1 Miscellaneous
Mesa GL utilities
ii mesademos 6.2.1-1 Example
programs for Mesa (and OpenGL in gen
ii xlibmesa-dri 7.0.22 transitional
package for Debian etch
ii xlibmesa-gl 7.0.22 transitional
package for Debian etch
ii xlibmesa-gl-dev 7.0.22 transitional
package for Debian etch
ii xlibmesa-glu 7.0.22 transitional
package for Debian etch
Anything else, i need?
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