> Running sid.
> After a recent upgrade - my phone can no longer pair.
> I see the rfcomm0 port opened, and the phone then asks for a pin (I'm a
> little confused here - since it's already been paired and registered in
> the phone's list of devices).
> But - no pin works - I just get "Pin Mismatch" on the phone. No prompt
> for a pin on the laptop either.

OK. Got it running. Some testing showed that I could pair from the phone
to the box (sending a file over OBEX for example) - but not from the box
to the phone (gnome-phone-manager - an old version). So - only outgoing
PINs failed.

There seems to be a new piece for outgoing PIN definition called
passkey-agent (man that's a short man page). But running

passkey-agent --default 1234 &

before running gnome-phone-manager - and now the PIN 1234 works just fine.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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