Well, i never install realplayer, or mplayer from rpm, maybe better to
try to install it either from source (this is the best) or from deb
(there is some server for it, but You can get a .deb package from here:
Well, after You made a dpkg -i *.deb You didn' t find the binary? I bet
it will be in /usr/local/bin, but if not, You can search for it in the
deb package You made from the rpm. If You don' t know how see it, the
easiest way to start mc (apt-get install mc), and You press and enter
on the deb package, and look for the binary.
You can the same procedure with realplayer, too.
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- Installing things Shane
- Re: Installing things Mumia W.
- Re: Installing things John Hasler
- Re: Installing things Carl Fink
- Re: Installing things A B