Hi all, I have a problem with pipes in an procmail receipt. I try to use a pipe with error check to send an email to a program, and be notified by email if the program failed to execute correctly.
The receipt looks like this: :0 * ^Subject:.*test.* { # size problem 7273 <= 7274 :0 wc | /bin/some_script.py EXITCODE = $? :0 ec | echo "Sending FAILED with Errorcode $EXITCODE" |mail -s "SMS send failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED] :0 $MAILDIR/.Testfolder/ } But whenever the mail size is bigger than 7273 bytes I get an error message in procmail log: procmail: Match on "^Subject:.*test.*" procmail: Executing "/bin/some_script.py" procmail: [14143] Mon Jul 17 07:58:06 2006 procmail: Error while writing to "/bin/some_script.py" procmail: Assigning "EXITCODE=0" procmail: Executing " echo "Sending FAILED with Errorcode $EXITCODE" |mail -s "SMS send failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]" procmail: Error while writing to " echo "Sending FAILED with Errorcode $EXITCODE" |mail -s "SMS send failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]" ... If mail is smaller than 7273 bytes the first program gets executed just fine, the second only if the first exits with an exit code different from 0. Does anyone know what I need to do to have the programs execute correctly without the error in procmail? Thank you in advance! Regards/Lep pozdrav Boštjan Müller -- [ Bostjan Müller | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] [ PGP key DSA id: 0x9B2FF108 | Celular: +38641243189 ] [ ICQ #:7506644 | http://n.neonatus.net/ ] If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed... ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.