Hi all,

I have a problem with pipes in an procmail receipt. I try to use a pipe
with error check to send an email to a program, and be notified by email
if the program failed to execute correctly.

The receipt looks like this:
* ^Subject:.*test.*
# size problem 7273 <= 7274
  :0 wc
    | /bin/some_script.py
    EXITCODE = $?
      :0 ec
        | echo "Sending  FAILED with Errorcode $EXITCODE" |mail -s "SMS
send failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


But whenever the mail size is bigger than 7273 bytes I get an error
message in procmail log:
procmail: Match on "^Subject:.*test.*"
procmail: Executing "/bin/some_script.py"
procmail: [14143] Mon Jul 17 07:58:06 2006
procmail: Error while writing to "/bin/some_script.py"
procmail: Assigning "EXITCODE=0"
procmail: Executing " echo "Sending  FAILED with Errorcode $EXITCODE"
|mail -s "SMS send failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
procmail: Error while writing to " echo "Sending  FAILED with Errorcode
$EXITCODE" |mail -s "SMS send failed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

If mail is smaller than 7273 bytes the first program gets executed just
fine, the second only if the first exits with an exit code different from

Does anyone know what I need to do to have the programs execute correctly
without the error in procmail?

Thank you in advance!

Regards/Lep pozdrav

Boštjan Müller
[     PGP key DSA id: 0x9B2FF108 | Celular: +38641243189     ]
[           ICQ #:7506644 | http://n.neonatus.net/           ]
 If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box
  crashed...          ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.

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