On Sunday 22 June 2003 18:29, Thomas H. George wrote:
> I have three debian boxes on a wireless LAN.  Wnen my grandson's Windows
> XP is included on the LAN it saturates the system with transmissions.  I
>   installed tcpdump which shows repeated lines of transmissions to
> I set up the LAN with no difficulty but I have zero experience in
> monitoring it.  How do I find out what this is?

Try Ethereal. The main advantage is that it knows quite a lot of protocols so 
it might be able to tell what the XP box is trying to do.

The IP resolves as an AOL host (ACB3D3FE.ipt.aol.com). Did you run a virus 
scan on that box? It might be some weird broken trojan/worm/whatever trying 
to phone home (it could also be WinXP trying to phone home, but with the 
address belonging to AOL... perhaps it's MS's way to "retailate" for the 
$750M payout? :-P).

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