On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 06:44:02PM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> Let me start by saying that I basically agree with Ben.
> On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 03:12:04PM -0300, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> > In particular, no guarantees are made that the entire distribution
> > will be 100% release-critical bug-free.  All we can assure you is that
> > packages have undergone "some degree of testing" and have fewer
> > release-critical bugs than the versions currently in testing.  The way
>                                                        ~~~~~~~
> Unstable.
> > Now, I understand your frustration and disappointment, but I think
> > before using testing, you should have made it your business to read
> > and make sure you understood what we have publicly posted about its
> > readiness for use.  Your rant indicates to me that you haven't, or if
> > you have, you have seriously misunderstood what you read.
> The thing is, the Debian Project is set up to guarantee that Stable will
> never actually be usable.  If you want anything resembling current software,
> you MUST use Unstable or Testing.  That makes Testing the de facto "standard
> workstation distribution" for Debian.
> I run Stable on the servers I administer, but 100% of them have to use some
> hand-compiled or backported software, or they'd be unusable. 
I really don't think that is a completely fair description. For scientific 
stable is really quite usable, accept for the absence of a fortran 95 compiler, 
for some. I am using a very nice DFT tool (extremely fast) that is written 
in fortran 77, so I am, at this point, immune.

The real problem is that there is NO AMD64 stable. I have suggested that 
someone build
a stable-like AMD-64 that resembles Sarge. 

Art Edwards
> -- 
> Carl Fink                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your
>    government when it deserves it."
>                       - Mark Twain
> -- 
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