On 08.07.06 08:48, wehn wrote:
> Ah, updating to unstable seems to have resolved the- only one device at 
> a time problems.
> And the multiple partition thing is working now that I found out
> "-fstype=auto,sync,rw,uid=1000,gid=100" doesn't play nicely with my 2nd 
> ext3 partition (1st is vfat):
> dmesg:
> EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "uid=1000" or missing value
> EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "gid=100" or missing value
> This could take some tweaking to get right.

add "quiet" to mount options. it will suppress error messages about unknown
mount options, which happens often for devices which can have more
fvilesystems, like USB storages.

> >Which is what I am doing, maybe I wasn't clear enough:
> >1st device inserted is accessible if accessed eg opening photos from the 
> >gimp. 2nd is not accessible (from a different program) until the first 
> >is removed.

Aha, i didn't get it before. Maybe i have had read it once more.

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