On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 18:37, Aryan Ameri wrote:

> > They could use knoppix also (sadly Knoppix includes the non-free
> > adobe pdf reader...).
> I have remastered Knoppix 3.1, upgraded some of it's components like KDE 
> to 3.1, removed some non-free software (mpg123 and acroread) and made 
> Farsi ( We translated KDE ourselves to Farsi) in KDE, the default 
> language of Knoppix. Then changed some backgound images, and some icons 
> and added a readme, and renamed the whole thing to "Shabdix".
> Because of your name, I think you are also Iranian so I thought you 
> might be interested in a Farsi Knoppix without acroread ! :-)
Cool! I am very interested. Where could I get a copy? It would be very
nice to have such a thing.


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