On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 08:12:28AM -0500 or thereabouts, Anthony Simonelli 
> On Sunday 18 June 2006 07:08 am, Stephen wrote:
> > 'aptitude search <package>' works for me. I have never really needed to
> > use apt-cache or apt-file to search for applications. I've always used
> > 'aptitude search foo'. For example 'aptitude search webmin' will bring up
> > all the webmin packages available to you to and indicate their status
> > <ie> installed (A)uto, (C)onfigured etc.
> >
> > Then if you wish more information on a specific package, 'aptitude show
> > package.foo' will give you the dependencies and what the package
> > does/is.
> >
> > HTH
> I like to use grep to narrow down particular packages, especially things such 
> as modules.  For example, if I need MySQL support for PHP4, I'll use the 
> following to find all packages related to PHP and MySQL:
> 'aptitude search php4 | grep mysql'
> the result is:
> v   php4-cgi-mysql                  -
> i   php4-mysql                      - MySQL module for php4
> instead of a long list of PHP packages and then trying to spotting the one 
> related to MySQL.  Interprocess piping/filtering is the best!

Hey, that's pretty cool. I never thought of adding a grep pipe.

Thanks !

The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
                -- Wm. Shakespeare, "Henry VI", Part IV

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