Cameron L. Spitzer wrote:
[This message has also been posted to linux.debian.user.]

A friend of mine uses a "user friendly" Windoze box
to record (with permission) radio shows in background,
on a predetermined schedule.  It's the last thing he still
needs Windoze for.

We'd like to replace that setup with a cron-driven
shell script on his Sarge box.

According to the Linux Sound HOWTO, which seems unmaintained,
I can get raw samples from /dev/dsp0 with dd.  This works
on about half the sound cards/motherboards I've tried.
I suspect the rest have some kind of mixer issue, or
maybe the codecs just aren't wired right on those motherboards.

But once we have that raw samples file, we don't know how
to make a usable MP3 out of it.  Searching with Google,
I find a lot of people asking the same question, and people
barking one-word "answers" at them, that don't lead anywhere.

Is there anything in Debian that can take a raw samples
file and turn it into an MP3?
Has some other form of documentation replaced the collection
of HOWTOs at  Thanks.


LAME will do this, google if you need more info. I use audacity to edit the raw wave first and then export as mp3 providing you have the LAME libs installed.



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