(graphical user interface)
2006/6/13, Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
[debian-www isn't really the most appropriate list for this type of
question; adding debian-user to the Cc list. Please direct replies, if
any, there, removing debian-www from the list]
On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 11:30:52AM +0200, bruno doutriaux wrote:
> je pense que j'aurais pu vous parler en français ? n'est-ce pas ?
> car vous semblez avoir un nom français.
Perhaps, but then please not on the main Debian lists. Not everyone
speaks french here (there are some french Debian lists).
> 2006/6/13, bruno doutriaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
> >
> >ok, thanks for the link.
> >i will maybe download kubuntu. what is the difference between debian sarge
> >and ubuntu or kubuntu ?
> >(i know that ubuntu uses gnome and that kubuntu uses kde).
> >what is the gui of debian sarge ? is it multi-gui ?
> >thanks.
> >bruno doutriaux
Ubuntu and Kubuntu are not Debian; while based on Debian, they really
are different distributions, with different goals.
The main differences are the fact that Ubuntu (and its sisters kubuntu
and edubuntu) have strict 6-month release cycles, while Debian does not;
and the fact that the default Ubuntu installation has a lot more choices
made for you already, whereas a Debian system makes less of those.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages; for example, Debian will
"release when it's ready", meaning that the release will be delayed if
there are too many bugs still open. While I don't expect that Ubuntu
will ship with many bugs, they are a bit laxer in this. Of course, that
also means that you can never tell for sure when the release will
happen, and that our release cycles typically take longer (so the
software in the latest release is, on average, older than the one in the
latest Ubuntu release).
Fun will now commence
-- Seven Of Nine, "Ashes to Ashes", stardate 53679.4