On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 15:34:33 +0200
Philippe De Ryck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe you can put together a little script to check for updates and
> notify you when there are updates pending. I don't know if something
> like this already exists?

I believe cron-apt does this:

$ apt-cache show cron-apt
Contains a tool that is run by a cron job at regular intervals. By
default it just updates the package list and download new packages
without installing. You can instruct it to run anything that you can do
with apt-get (or aptitude).
It can optionally sends mail to the system administrator on errors, log
to syslog or a separate log file.
Observe that this tool may be a security risk, so you should not set it
to do more than necessary. Automatic upgrade of all packages is NOT
recommended unless you are in full control of the package repository.

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