on Wed, 18 Jun 2003 05:32:58PM -0400, Derrick 'dman' Hudson insinuated:
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 01:51:21PM -0400, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> | hey,
> | 
> | i used to change my mouse type, repeat rate, protocol, all that with
> | gpmconfig.  on the fresh install i've just done, i can't find the
> | package anywhere -- has it changed?
> Just edit /etc/gpm.conf.  It's trivial.
> (BTW, I think gpmconfig is still there, I just don't use it)

good point :)

> As for losing various pieces of input functionality ... what did you
> change?  

so much that i don't remember.  i've since re-installed, but now have
the same problem.

> Do you have the USB driver modules loaded?  

i'm using the stock 2.4.20 kernel -- how do i tell what usb modules to

> Do you have the right programs reading from the right devices with
> the right protocols?

quite unlikely.  but i'm not sure what those would all be.


    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
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