On Thu, 1 Jun 2006 15:40:53 -0400
"Eric d'Alibut" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 5/31/06, Linas Žvirblis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A valuable tool in this case is "file". It can identify loads of
> > different file formats, and can be very effective in conjunction with
> > some shell scripting. There is also tool called "testdisk". I have never
> > used it, but it does seem to have some very useful features.
> How about looking for jpg's in lost+found? Any hints on how to do that?

gqview. It will show thumbnails of correct pictures

Rodney D. Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     
Registered Linux User #96112
ICQ#:     AIM#:       YAHOO:
18002350  mailman452  mailman42_5

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a 
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
        Ben Franklin - 1759

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