On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 14:06:35 -0400 (EDT)
Patrick Wiseman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 at 7:18pm, François Chenais wrote:
> :Hello,
> :
> :I'm trying to build the last kernel-source.2.4.20 with
> :xfs patch but I have an error while linking.
> :
> :many functions have undefined reference to `xfs_params' !!!
> I was having this sort of problem on a 'testing' system, when someone
> suggested compiling with gcc-2.95.  It worked for me, at least for the
> kernel.  (It didn't work for the pcmcia modules, but I fixed that by
> using the kernel version.)  In the toplevel Makefile, replace references
> to gcc with gcc-2.95 (assuming 'which gcc-2.95' reports
> '/usr/bin/gcc-2.95').

I use gcc-2.95.

In Fact, I solved the problem enabling the SYSCTL option in kernel configuration.


Debian SID
Linux tanna 2.4.20-freeswan-ipvs-xfs #7 SMP Tue Feb 11 11:01:05 CET 2003 i686 unknown 
unknown GNU/Linux
Linux Counter #59413
PGP fingerprint : 9AFA 15EC 96C9 F607 EBC1  DD41 70C5 F0E0 25A5 105B

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