Steve Lamb wrote:

Richard wrote:
Thought I would re-explain myself

   I'm not sure why, people address both of your concerns adequately with
several solutions all of which work just fine.  Instead of reexplaining
yourself take a moment to actually examine the solutions people have offered
to see if they fit your needs.

Because, I've been there and done that, with grave results,
and the fact is, coming from a Window and Mac back ground, it would appear, that I need some kind of support, hence asking the questions (over and over and over ) for the sake of protecting what is already running.

Aagain, we lost a very large .mbox file with over 255,000 emails.
we don't want any kind of (db) box format, just plain text.
(sql) would be okay.

   Furthermore I think that you're not sure what you want.  Look at what you
asked for here.  You don't want a database solution but you then say a
database, SQL, would be ok.  So do you want a database or not?  Besides,
strictly speaking, even a slew of individual files inside a file system fails
to meet your needs as a file system is just a very primitive database.  It
contains and index (directory entries) to records (files).

I know exactly what I want, and still have not found the simplest easy method of obtaining the desire result with allot of coding of .config files. ( sure ) with a season vet, its next to nothing, but to a (should I say it) NEWBIE, its a major task.. Perhaps you should ask, what skill set,
someone is bring to the table first, this would save you some embarrassment.

   I think the core problem here is that you're not quite sure what you want
and are hoping for a silver bullet solution from the list.  I don't think
that, given your requirements and contradictory position, that any such answer
will appear to your satisfaction.  Furthermore you need to look beyond
particular formats of mail and examine what the true problem was.  It isn't
that an mbox file got corrupt.  Any file can get corrupt.  The problem is that
you didn't have a backup of the file (or files, or SQL database, or any other
solution proposed here) to fall back on.  Data integrity is more than just
choosing a file format which might be more (or less) resistant to corruption.
It is having a plan in place prior to such corruption on how to recover from
it.  Because no matter what, it will happen eventually.

And Last, yes I do have a backup copy, of the mbox file, (that twice now)
the question that I've posed, was one seeking new concepts, or try get to the solution
that I was using on the Mac. ( now no longer ).

again the concept is to: Put all email into pure text, as single text doc's

Again, I thank all that have suggested and help. ( ALL )


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