Op vr 13-06-2003, om 16:19 schreef David:
> One thing you might not be aware of.. (and I _think_ I'm right) is that
> the y margins seem to be from bottom to top of page.. That is, the first
> (or smallest) y margin value is for the bottom margin and the larger one
> is for the top.
> I noticed that in many of the ppd's (my printer is a DJ 660C), the
> ImageableArea is given as the full size of the page, I.E. for Letter, it
> was given as:    *ImageableArea Letter/Letter: "0 0 612 792"  , and
> *PaperDimension Letter/Letter: "612 792"
> I found that with this setting, the command "lpr -p" would cut off the
> prettyprint header and also some of the left side was cut off..  But if
> I reduced the 792 to about 744, and changing the first 0 to about 18,
> it would print OK..
> (This is with the HPIJS drivers)
> I do have a problem with Mozilla where it does not print the header, but
> I believe it's a problem with Mozilla itself.

I tried specifying the last number for y instead of the second and
filled in 800 instead of 842 (for A4 that is) and you are right, now it
prints fine with lpr.


Benedict Verheyen

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