sudo would be just the ticket.


On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 22:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a somewhat tricky problem wrt. Ethereal under Debian 3.0R1:
> The program works without any problem when run as user "root", but it
> doesn't work when running as normal user.
> To be exact, as a normal user, when trying to capture packets I don't
> see any interfaces available. Sure enough this is because packet
> sniffers require the interface to be in promicous mode which can be
> done only be root.
> I've tried setting ethereal setuid root - doesn't help either, since
> ethereal complains that it doesn't want to be run setuid (also this
> perfectly makes sense).
> So the big question is: How can I run ethereal as normal user?
> (without having everybody "su -" before starting ethereal)
> BTW: In another Linux-system runnign Redhat 8, whenever I start
> ethereal a window pops up asking me for the root-pw, and once entered
> ethereal comes up - and allows me to cacture packets
> TIA for your help
> -ewald
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