On 4/16/06, Andrei Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Michael Marsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I believe Matthew's point was that if you link .xinitrc to the
> > system-wide version, you'll still get your .xsession file sourced, as
> > well as a bunch of other setup scripts.  I'm used to setting
> > everything up by hand, so I've never really distinguished between the
> > two, other than making sure that startx finds at least one of them.
> I agree to that, but the point of having a .xinitrc (at least in this
> thread) was to start a wm/de on startx. And such customization does not
> belong in the system-wide file, unless the admin wants to provide a wm
> "just in case" or some other similar scenario.

Right, and startx will call /etc/X11/xinit/xinirc, which will call
$(HOME)/.xsession .  In my case, it would then call

xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults

It will also call a number of other things, that you might or might
not want to have called.

Michael A. Marsh

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