Abdul Latip wrote:
> Does it mean, there is no way to setup a "cvspub" common account and
> each user should have a local account with its own .ssh directory?

Every time I set up a new CVS root I have to relearn the steps to do
this.  It is all in the cvs info page.  But not all in one place in
those docs.

  info cvs

Here is quick recipe from my own notes.  There are almost certainly
improvements.  Assuming /usr/local/cvs but could be anywhere...

In /usr/local/cvs/CVSROOT/readers file:

In /usr/local/cvs/CVSROOT/passwd file:

Use adduser to create an account.

  addgroup --system pubcvs
  adduser --system --ingroup cvs --disabled-password --home /usr/local/cvs --gecos 
"Read-Only Access Public CVS User" pubcvs

Make sure all directories in /usr/local/cvs EXCEPT CVSROOT are sgid to
group pubcvs.

  chmod ug+rwx,g+s /usr/local/cvs/[a-z]*

In your /etc/inetd.conf file:
  cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs cvs -f --allow-root=/usr/local/cvs 

I think that is it.  But be advised that there have been security
problems related to this in the past.  If everything is behind a
firewall on your own private network I would not worry about it.  But
I would think twice before setting this up on the global Internet
without adequate contingency plans in the case of a rootkit attack.  I
am not running this on any hostile network myself and have not
researched the security ramifications deeply.  There are almost
certainly holes in the above recipe.


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